bank balance

[bæŋk ˈbæləns]
  • 释义
  • 银行往来余额,银行余额;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    We have spent so much money recently that our bank balance must be in the red.


  • 2、

    My bank balance isn't very large.


  • 3、

    Take cash counting regularly. Reconcile the bank balance with Bank. Prepare bank reconciliation monthly.

    定期盘点现金, 与银行核对余额; 每月编制银行调节表.

  • 4、

    But with bank balance sheets stretched by the credit crunch, that's not likely to happen quickly.

    但鉴于银行的资产负债因信贷危机变得吃紧, 建立这样的市场不可能很快办到.

  • 5、

    I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my bank balance.


  • 6、

    He draw a check against all his bank balance.


  • 7、

    Your bank balance depends entirely on your salary but your happiness balance depends solely on you.


  • 8、

    The company's success is reflected in its healthy bank balance.


  • 9、

    The amount of industrial loans on bank balance sheets has declined for 15 consecutive weeks.


  • 10、

    He was unable to account for the deficit in the firm's bank balance.


  • 11、

    More generally, European governments need to restore confidence in the soundness of bank balance sheets.

    在更普遍的层面上, 欧洲各国政府必须重振人们对银行资产负债表稳健状况的信心.

  • 12、

    As triple A rated investments a disastrous unravelling of bank balance sheets ensued.


  • 13、

    That could help to shore up bank balance sheets and remove an obstacle to lending.


  • 14、

    If your bank balance falls to zero you lose!


  • 15、

    Credit crisis on bank balance sheets caused by the attack, is far from over.

    信贷危机对银行资产负债表造成的打击, 还远未结束.

  • 16、

    The TARP as originally conceived was to buy up toxic assets off the bank balance sheets.


  • 17、

    Activities affect bank profits but do not appear on bank balance sheets.


  • 18、

    Bank balance sheet adjustment could crimp or bind credit.


  • 19、

    Maybe only two, three fights a year just to keep the bank balance comfortable.

    只能一年只比赛两 、 三次,才可以保持银行有一笔可观的存款.

  • 20、

    All applicants must show strong financial strength in their bank balance overseas.


  • 21、

    House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced her bank balance to almost nothing.

    修房 、 度假和其他开销使她在银行的存款所剩无几.

  • 22、

    That would keep the pressure on bank balance sheets, keeping credit tight.

    这将对银行资产负债表带来持续压力, 令信贷保持在紧缩状态.

  • 23、

    Third, the sorry condition of bank balance sheets has made them reluctant to lend.

    最后, 银行业不容乐观的资产负载表让他们不愿投放信贷.

  • 24、

    Our bank balance go into the red month.


  • 25、

    The lower home prices also caused more defaults and weakened bank balance sheets.


  • 26、

    Maintain bank balance journal on a daily basis.


  • 27、

    Illness, holidays, and other expenses reduced his bank balance to almost nothing.

    看病 、 休假以及其他花销几乎耗尽了他在银行里的存款.

  • 28、

    His bank balance has swelled by £222,000 in the last three weeks.


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